Thursday, June 11, 2009

A Summer of Gratitude & Prayer

St. Monica
Patron saint of Wives & Mothers

As summer draws near, I've been thinking about my summer project list (I love lists!). Just things I want to do - some practical, some spiritual in nature, over the next few months.

First and foremost, I want the summer to be marked by a renewed sense of gratitude. I know how very important it is to give thanks for our daily blessings both big and small. But I don't consistently make the effort to do so each day.

I also want to begin a more prayerful existence. When I entered the Catholic Church back in 2002, I took Saint Monica as my patron saint. To me she epitomized what I wanted to become - a godly wife and mother entrenched in prayer. That's what I want to become, but most often, I find myself only going to God in prayer when trouble arises. When it's for certain its a situation I can't control. And through the years, I feel a distance has grown between me and Christ. I desire the close, personal relationship I once had, but find myself fearful of taking the steps towards that. But I'm continually hearing "Seek ye first" being whispered to my heart, so I know prayer really is the first step I must take.

With the kids, I'd like to relax and say yes more. Make sure we get plenty of visits to the library in this summer (and make sure we get our books back in time!). And to help keep Ashleigh occupied, replenish the craft supplies so we can work on some of the projects at No Time For Flash Cards.

I need to go ahead and get our garden started. I've been not so patiently waiting for the peppers and tomatoes to do "something" before transplanting them. But I realized they're in toilet paper rolls with only a small bit of dirt, so there's not really much they can do in their present environment. So I'll be moving them to a bed/containers in the near future. And if the tomatoes really take off (which I'm hoping they will), I'd like to learn how to can/preserve them. That would really help the grocery budget!

I'd like to make sure I get some good reading in this summer. I love to read but find myself constantly picking up books then putting them down unfinished to start another book. On my reading list is Simple Abundance by Sarah Ban Breathnach. An old favorite that I've read parts of for many years but have never read completely through. I'm still trying to digest Nourishing Traditions, but I think I might take a break and pick up Nina Planck's Real Food: What to Eat and Why. I need to pick up a good book on gardening and either read or return a book about the history of Muscle Cars a co-worker lent me.

A few things to do around the house. Finish painting the dining room and current play room (future family room). We're almost done with the priming. The ever present project of decluttering and organizing the house. I'm also working on a simple, more flexible home caring routine ala Simple Mom.

I'm working on a new blog called The Working Home Keeper. I feel there's a need for an increased voice/presence for mothers who balance both home and working outside of the home among Mommy bloggers. I do find it funny that before starting the new blog I felt like I had alot to say on the subject. But now, I can't think of anything to say LOL! That's why there are all of three posts on the blog.

Other things on the list - enjoy some lazy summer days, sip lemonade, eat watermelon, see the fireworks on the 4th, peruse the shabby treasures at the flea market, catch fireflies in the backyard and hopefully make our way down to Wrightsville Beach.

Those are my summer plans, what are yours?


Wendy P said...

I think it sounds like you're in for a lovely, rewarding summer. I'm looking forward to reading your new blog - you're right, there is a need for a it.

I'll have to check out Real Food - it sounds like something we'd enjoy.

Glad you're enjoying No Time for Flashcards!

Still Learning said...

You know when I was working and had the store it seemed like I was the only one in blog land sometimes that worked. But there are a lot of working moms out there who need a voice of how to live life better and exchange ideas. So often as it was when I worked we still have to do all the work around the house too. Not fair. That sounds like a great idea for a new blog.

I hope you acheive what you are looking for this summer. I can tell you from experience that I apprehensively went back to God because I was so filled with guilt and shame for leaving his constant presence in the first place. Just know he wants you back full time in daily conversation. You will be so blessed for it.

Love ya,
