Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Thriving With Job Loss

As I mentioned in my last monthly financial check-up, my husband was in danger of losing his job. As expected, he was let go shortly afterwards. Thank God for our Total Money Makeover plan! We had not yet reached our Baby Step 3 emergency fund savings goal. However, we have enough in place to fall back on if needed. With our budget still running somewhat lean from those Baby Step 2 days of paying off debt, we should be able to pay our monthly expenses on my salary alone. Our plan is to continue to grow the emergency fund with anything Dave receives in unemployment benefits (whenever those start - there's a 4-8 week delay).

Despite my initial fears at the prospect of Dave losing his job, I now rejoice in the blessings this change has brought our way. The biggest blessing of course has been having Dave home more and less stressed! And Dave is very excited about having the opportunity now to explore new career paths. We don't know what the future holds. But we have hope and faith in God that all things will work according to His plan.

Money Saving Mom - Monthly Financial Check-Up


Whitney said...

I'm glad you are doing well, even through a job loss. You have a great attitude!

Wendy P said...

I've been wondering how y'all were doing. Thank the Lord for good habits!

Still Learning said...

Okay, can I say how relieved I am? I know how quickly the emergency fund disappears as it happened to us and boy, am I so happy to hear that you will be able to cover things. Whew!! I was concerned for you guys. On the flip side, yes, it is nice to have the man around more isn't it? When the stress is gone it's amazing how much more we can appreciate our families right? It was a real eye opener for me too. So glad you are doing we well over there!!


Jodi said...

Oh, we've been there. Just continue to have faith in God and I know things will work out. That's not just a platitude, it's true. My Dh lost his job about two years ago, was out of work for 6 months (I am a sahm) and then worked "survival jobs" for about a year. Things were tough, but we got through them. Things are getting back to normal now. Don't expect too much of yourselves, just go with the flow. I promise, this will turn out for your good, though it may not seem that way for a while.

Less is More said...

I am glad you are coming to terms with what happened. We were in these same shoes as you - except I have no job either. But the silver lining is that we have more time to spend together now while he looks for jobs. I hope your husband enjoys the time he gets with the kids. He may not be able to get time like this again! This is a great time to go back to school if he is looking for a new career. One door closing swing another one wide open, often with a red carpet beckoning you to come in!

Unknown said...

Sometimes people have found a job loss a blessing. I met a guy yesterday who decided to learn a new trade. He says he's much happier now.