Friday, August 28, 2009

A Missed Opportunity

Give freely and become more wealthy; be stingy and lose everything.
The generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.

Proverbs 11:24-25

Last week our HR department at work sent around an email requesting help with meals for a co-worker who is recovering from an illness. Nourishing foods have become a passion of mine. I love to cook and felt this would be a perfect opportunity for me to serve someone else with my talents (which I feel are very few in number!). Unfortunately, I waited and didn't promptly act on the call to service God had placed on my heart. When I called yesterday to select a date for my meal, all dates had been filled.

It was good knowing that between her church and work, there had been an outpouring of assistance for this co-worker. At the same time, I was disappointed that I would not have an opportunity to serve in an area that seemed to be so perfect for me. Why had I not answered the call to my heart when it was given? In the midst of my disappointment, God pointed out that daily I'm presented with opportunities to serve. The elderly neighbor that needs someone to chat with. The husband that sometimes feels forgotten. The woman in the grocery store with the screaming toddler that needs a "I've been there" smile instead of judgement.

Don't miss out on your opportunities to serve.


Still Learning said...

You've got it! Daily we are placed into circumstances where God can use us in ways that do not seem huge to us but they can be everything for someone else.

Hope you are doing well and the kids are enjoying school.


Linda said...

Too true. I am reading a book called Love as a Way of Life- you would probably love it!