Today, my baby turns 2!

I'm still trying to digest the fact that my BABY is 2 years old! It seems just like yesterday we were on a mad rush to the hospital wondering if we'd make it in time. As fast as you arrived, it seems like you've grown even faster. Someone told me the other day, to not lament for the past but to enjoy the current stage. It is true the present brings it's own gifts. But just know my big boy of 2, when you fall off or out of something, when big brother refuses to share trucks, cars and trains with you and when big sister banishes you from her room, Momma's arms are still here just like when you were a baby.
Happy New Year, Mary Ellen!
My baby also just turned two, so I know how you feel! I still call her "the baby," which I suppose I should really stop doing.
Happy Birthday, Reed!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY REED! How is it possible?!
Sending many hugs and birthday kisses from Oklahoma today.
Awwww! I think he'll always be "Baby Reed" to me. :) Happy Birthday, sweet boy!
Happy Birthday big boy! I can just hardly believe it. I remember your HUGE belly. :)
Wow, Happy Birthday to your little sweetie Reed. Love the name. I am such a dork I didn't realize we both had two year olds. My Braxy turned two at the end of November. We are definitely in the terrible 2 stage.. you there yet? Ah, good times. We have to enjoy them though because soon enough hugs and kisses from mama are a rare thing from older boys. Hope you guys had a great B day.
Happy Birthday Reed!
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